
.mobi keeps storming Google

The Google result counts for common TLDs continued to slide dramatically during February. So significantly that it seems the company is really doing a ruthless clean-up of their indexed content (or are tightening up the algorithms)

Bucking the trend, by a country mile, is the .mobi TLD, which has risen an 35% (which seems astonishing in the context of the others’ trends).

The numbers this month (to be compared with these from the start of February): 5,700,000,000 (down 14%) 2,180,000,000 (down 11%) 354,000,000 (down 19%) 46,500,000 (down 20%) 15,600,000 (down 38%) 16,800,000 (down 20%) 496,000 (up 35%)

Now, when I started out, I genuinely thought I’d just do this as an interesting analysis of mobile web growth trends. Now I’m a bit worried it’s starting to look like corporate propoganda (disclosure disclosure!).

However, the numbers are real (even if, as ever, doubtful as an absolute measure of real content).

So I will continue. And I happen to know that the TLD’s name sales are surging up, so I suspect the trend will too. All I can think of doing is at least automating it so I don’t have to remember to every month.