What’s on a mobile CTO’s desktop?
Along the lines of “how to [..] feed your CTO“, and “N things you didn’t know about blogger X“, I was staring at my cluttered desktop, wondering what it all means.

- A variety of development tools (Eclipse, Visual Studio, MySQL, Wireshark, FTP, SCP, JMeter scripts, a JSON parser)
- The Android SDK
- Portions of a mobile web book I am writing
- Slideware for various products & projects
- Domain analysis results
- An Ubuntu ISO image and an Apache install
- An OPML file of mobile blogs
- My registration form for MWC
- A JPG helpfully named “graph”
- A bunch of browsers
- The hiring plan for my team
- MetaWeb Query Language documentation
- Mobile Monday Dublin’s Peer Awards application forms
- Two mysterious text files called “yes” and “no” (?!)
- Some social network clients
- Something to listen to
- Armadillo Run
- …and a folder named “temp” – where all this rubbish is shortly headed.
Yes, that pretty much sums up the last 3 months of my life. What’s on your desktop – and why?